
Memphis Job Opportunities


Warehouse HandlerRC727176



Posted on Jul 4, 2024



Wir haben eine spannende Gelegenheit für Sie, unser Operationsteam als Paketzusteller zu verstärken.

Wer wir sind:
FedEx ist das größte Express-Transportunternehmen der Welt und verbindet mehr als 220 Länder und Territorien miteinander. Wir arbeiten jeden Moment daran, das wichtigste Paket des Tages zuzustellen. Unser Team aus leidenschaftlichen Menschen weiß, dass ihre tägliche Arbeit von unschätzbarem Wert ist, um unseren Kunden eine hervorragende Erfahrung zu bieten. Mit 530.000 Teammitgliedern sind wir so vielfältig wie die Welt, die wir bedienen. Wir lieben, was wir tun, und wir tun es gut. Unsere Reichweite ist groß, und unsere Träume sind es auch. Kommen Sie zu uns und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam unser nächstes Kapitel schreiben.

Was Sie tun werden:
- Sortieren, Scannen, Be- und Entladen von Paketen in einem schnelllebigen Umfeld
- Einsatz der entsprechenden Ausrüstung und Technologie, wenn nötig
- Befolgung unserer Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsvorschriften
- Sie unterstützen Ihren Vorgesetzten und Ihre Teammitglieder nach Bedarf

Was bringen Sie mit?
- Sie sind ein guter Teamplayer
- Sie sind in der Lage, alle erforderlichen Schulungen zu absolvieren.
- Sie müssen in der Lage sein, in einem schnelllebigen Umfeld effektiv zu kommunizieren.
- Sie haben ein ausgezeichnetes Auge für Details und können schnelle und präzise Entscheidungen treffen.

Was wir bieten:
- Attraktives Vergütungspaket
- Schulungen für den Einstieg und Lernmöglichkeiten am Arbeitsplatz
- Umfangreiche Lernressourcen, um Ihre Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse weiterzuentwickeln
- Studienbeihilfeprogramm (*gilt für FedEx-Stellen mit einem unbefristeten Vertrag)
- Employee Assistance Program für Sie und Ihre Familie in schwierigen Lebenssituationen
- Ermäßigter Versand für Mitarbeiter
- Großartige Karrieremöglichkeiten
- FedEx ist eines der weltweit am meisten bewunderten Unternehmen und eine Marke, der man Jahr für Jahr vertraut

Bringen Sie Ihre Ideen, Ihre Individualität und Ihre Träume in unsere globale Gemeinschaft ein. Fühlen Sie sich wohl, wo Sie arbeiten. Wählen Sie Ihren Karriereweg - wir sind bereit, in Ihre Entwicklung zu investieren. Kommen Sie zu FedEx.

We have an exciting opportunity for you to join our Operations team as a package handler.

Who we are:
FedEx is the largest express transportation company in the world, connecting more than 220 countries and territories. We work every moment to deliver the most important package of someone’s day. Our team of passionate people know their day-to-day work is invaluable in delivering outstanding experience to our customers. 530,000 team members strong, we are as diverse as the world we serve. We love what we do, and we do it well. Our reach is big, and so are our dreams. Join us and let's write our next chapter together.

What you will be doing:
• Sorting, scanning, loading, and unloading packages in a fast-paced environment
• Using relevant equipment and technology when needed
• Following our Health and Safety regulations
• Supporting your supervisor and team members as required

What do you bring with you:
• Be a great team player
• Be able to complete all required training
• Be able to communicate effectively, in a fast-moving environment
• Have excellent eye for detail and be able to make quick, accurate decisions

What do we offer:
• Attractive compensation package
• Training to get you started and on-the-job learning opportunities
• Extensive learning resources to further develop your skills and knowledge
• Tuition Assistance Program (*applicable for FedEx positions with a permanent contract)
• Employee Assistance Program for you and your family in difficult life situations
• Employee reduced-rate shipping
• Great career opportunities
• FedEx is one of the worlds most admired companies and trusted brands year after year

Bring your ideas, individuality, and dreams to our global community. Feel good about where you work. Choose your career path - we’re ready to invest in your development. Join FedEx.

FedEx was built on a philosophy that puts people first, one we take seriously. We are an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce in which we provide growth opportunities for all

Our Company

FedEx is one of the world's largest express transportation companies and has consistently been selected as one of the top 10 World’s Most Admired Companies by "Fortune" magazine. Every day FedEx delivers for its customers with transportation and business solutions, serving more than 220 countries and territories around the globe. We can serve this global network due to our outstanding team of FedEx team members, who are tasked with making every FedEx experience outstanding.

Our Philosophy

The People-Service-Profit philosophy (P-S-P) describes the principles that govern every FedEx decision, policy or activity. FedEx takes care of our people; they, in turn, deliver the impeccable service demanded by our customers, who reward us with the profitability necessary to secure our future. The essential element in making the People-Service-Profit philosophy such a positive force for the company is where we close the circle, and return these profits back into the business, and invest back in our people. Our success in the industry is attributed to our people. Through our P-S-P philosophy, we have a work environment that encourages team members to be innovative in delivering the highest possible quality of service to our customers. We care for their well-being, and value their contributions to the company.

Our Culture

Our culture is important for many reasons, and we intentionally bring it to life through our behaviors, actions and activities in every part of the world. The FedEx culture and values have been a cornerstone of our success and growth since we began in the early 1970’s. While other companies can copy our systems, infrastructure and processes, our culture makes us unique and is often a differentiating factor as we compete and grow in today’s global marketplace.